
You don’t make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.     – Ansel Adams

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Flora Cityscape Landscape Wildlife Portrait

David on a Photo Walk
Photowalk, by Jon Warlick

During the past twenty years, I have had the privilege of speaking to audiences across North America and around the world. It has been an experience that I never expected. Yet, as I visited these illustriously exotic or honestly familiar places, I tended to hold up in my hotel room, rarely venturing out to experience the place.

To solve this problem, I picked up the camera. It gave me reason to leave my room, and to witness and capture the images of where I found myself. Through the pictures that I’ve made, I have rediscovered all the other pictures I have seen, books I’ve read, music I’ve heard and people I have loved.

Now that I have retired and seek my next intersection between play, passion and purpose, I continue to make pictures and to fall more deeply in love with the world that I see, through a photographer’s eyes.

My New Life

My Old Life

My New Book