For the last 20 years of my career, I traveled across the U.S. and Canada, and beyond, talking to large and small groups of people about rethinking education, the why and the how of preparing our children for their future. Below is the text of my presentations page, which informed potential clients about my topics.

Keynote Presence
Compiled clips from two keynotes delivered at the 2004 SETT Conference in Glasgow, Scotland and a conference in Palm Beach, Florida.

A Discussion About Education
From a series of interviews conducted at ISTE 2010 by EdTech Magazine. The interviews, which included snippets of some of my ideas and those of other educators. Click here to see the video.
I have presented workshops and formal larger group addresses to audiences for more than 30 years. Most would say that I talk about technology. But this is not my goal. Instead, I try to persuade educators that technology’s impact has little to do with hardware and software, that it is more about the changing nature of our information landscape and how that has changed how we learn and even what it means to be literate. Education needs to adapt to today’s prevailing information environment and the ways that it has changed how we work and play.
Topics that I speak about:
You may also find the following links helpful as you plan your professional development event.
Audience Comments
Boy, was I blindsided. At the opening keynote some old guy comes on stage and starts talking about new understandings about literacies and forms of information. My first reaction was to continue answering my email, but as he continued talking my focus shifted from my digital connection to a real connection with his ideas. I had never quite heard ideas quite like it before. He was talking about a whole new story of school. I was, in the space of an hour, blown away by his ideas and what it meant for me as a teacher. The “old guy” on stage was Dave Warlick. 1
David’s session was very well crafted and the one thing that makes him a favourite of mine is that he speaks from the heart. Unless you’ve given presentations like this and know the tonnes of work that goes into preparation, he delivers it as if he just happened to have some of this stuff on the ol’ hard drive and just stands on the stage and pours out his emotion and passion for the topic. This time, he talked about Our Kids, Our Worlds and I don’t think that you could challenge anything that he talked about. Classroom teachers just need the time and he challenged everyone to answer the question “What does it really mean to be literate?” That’s a deep question and those who complain that kids are working to get around the content filter need to answer that to know why. I also really liked this quote when attached to teaching “We want our students to be the students we want to teach”. Isn’t that the truth? ((Peterson, Doug. “Day 1 at NECC.” [Weblog Doug — Off the Record] 30 Jun 2008. 5 Jul 2008 .))
Was watching @dwarlick’s #k12online closing keynote. Thought he was losing me during garden example then *bam* it all made sense. Wow.
Josh Allen Twitter Post
I attended two session today that you presented. They offered tremendous ideas and insight. There was considerable content that I can take back to my teachers to use immediately. Your content was smooth and easy to understand and implement. Thank you. Fabulous session!
what I was looking for! WOW, WOw, and Wow…. I learned a lot from your session. I had previously heard of blogs and wikis but i didn’t know of their power and potential uses for a classroom.
Your presentation has lived with me all day. Kudos! – Outstanding! The emphasis on the literacy issues within the framework of the technology hit a chord with me. The technology provides the potential but the literacy skills unleash it. – Thank you for not only being very informative, but also entertaining. You were a joy to listen to. I learned so much! – Loved every moment. Am now a groupie.
have already discussed implementing a Information Code of Ethics at our school and have said “…and David says…” FAR too many times! – Your insight, energy and humor always motivate and energize me.
Thanks for speaking in Columbus. This is the second conference I have attended where you were a keynote. I attended all your sessions and always walk away with new perspectives, and affirmations of the many thoughts I currently hold. – WOW!
David WarlickIt was an incredible feeling to be with you, as well as others, who dare to think and dream big about the future and our ability to influence it through educating young people through IT. It’s wonderful to here the message “YOU CAN…” when so often we hear, “So sorry, you can’t…”
You changed the way I think about learning. I teach teachers how to “integrate technology”. Now I will teach them how to integrate the new literacy – thanks.
Entertaining- But With Serious Message. Food For Thought
What A Fantastic Speaker Motivating, Entertaining How Refreshing Loved Phrase “The World Is The Curriculum” And Feel We Should All Be Thinking And Preparing More For The Work
Absolutely Fabulous Speaker- Charismatic And Inspiring.
An Inspiring Speaker- Totally Challenging- As Educators We Have Been Given Glimpse Of The Future.
Compelling Speaker Who Provokes New Thinking. Practical Tips Thrown In Too- Fabulous.
I’m loving this; it’s great! This is the best thing I’ve been to in years of going to conferences!
This was a homerun! This is what I came to this conference to see!
I attended your session at NECC and was totally inspired! You forgot to mention (in your blog) that the audience gave you an overwhelming applause. I did not experience anything close to such a moving response in any other NECC presentation.
I was at your last session on Monday inLubbock, TX. I only wish there was some way to bottle you and pass you around to the teachers in my school.
I attended your session called “The Art of Being Digital” at the ICE conference. WOW! You gave me so much fuel. I couldn’t write fast enough… so many great inspirations.
Your presentation was awesome. If the restof the educational world would wake up and realize that today’s studentsneed tools to manage and verify internet information. Bravo for you!!
Your presentations always provoke thought and change. Thanks for being the impetus for so many of us in Educational Technology!
I was at your keynote address at the recent “Rising to the Challenge” conference. I feel like a whole new world of possibilities has opened up. I’m very grateful for yourwork and for this incredible web site.
1 Whipple, Jeff. “Returning to Memphis; the Scene of my Personal Shift.” Whip Blog. 15 Jul 2010. Web. 12 Aug 2010. .
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