I’ve wanted to present at this conference for many years. It’s one of my favorite states to visit and just drive though (though I’m not doing any driving this trip) and it’s one of those places where a conference with a thousand attendees is impacting on a sizable percentage of the state’s entire education community.
My keynote address is called Teaching & Learning on the Edge of Change. It’s an old presentation that was originally just a review of tech trends and some really outlandish stuff about nanotechnology, quantum computers, and the approaching singularity. Fascinating stuff, but of very little practical value to classroom teachers. So I’ve merged the slides from that presentations to exist within my Telling the New Story structure of looking at how the following aspect of what, why, and where we do what we do:
The market place
What we value (our children)
And what we can point at that is related directly to what happens in classrooms
I am also doing just about every other presentation that is listed on my professional web site. So here are my sessions, and links to the wiki handouts.