Flat World • Flat Web • Flat Classrooms

I’ve been looking forward to this session. It’s another online presentation, a Webinar, for the Discovery Educator Network. We did some run-throughs yesterday, with mixed success. The problems seem to stem from the fact that I’m using a Mac. Lots of people use Macs. They need to fix that. As it turned out, the company had, but not in the version that DEN is using. And they keep asking if I’m using an Intel Mac. Do I really need an Intel Mac? Can I sell Brenda on that? 🙂

To add excitement to the whole thing, New England DEN members will be in the room with me, so I’ll actually have some humans to present to. Should be easier.

The topic is about flat. It’s how hierarchies, of many different types and styles, are fading. We’ve all heard about the flattening of the world (The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman). But what about the flattening of the web and of information in general. And, in what ways, might we consider our classrooms flattening, and how do we drive learning, if we can’t rely on gravity any more? A good question.

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