South Carolina EdTech, in Myrtle Beach

It is a real privilege and honor to be speaking at the South Carolina EdTech Conference. This is not only because South Carolina is a neighbor, but also because it was in South Carolina that I taught school for nearly ten years. So feel very much at home with people who love the flavor of their words so much, that they just let them out slowly and with great joy.

Day 1

I am teaching a workshop this morning (Wednesday) about Web 2.0. Participants will lear to set up a blog and to tag their blogs for aggregation by readers. They will also learn to set up their own aggregators so that they can establisher their own personal digital libraries or personal learning networks (whatever metaphor you want to use). We will also explore social networks, social bookmarks, mashups, wikis, and maybe some podcasting.

Day 2

What I Looked Like for my First Job Interview — 1976

The morning will begin with two concurrent sessions, and then the keynote address, Literacy & Learning for the 21st Century. I will introduce attendees to the future through my tour of the typical information-age work place. We will then explore an expanded model for literacy, one that grows out of the three Rs, but reflects the changing shape of information.

I will also be doing sessions on RSS and Podcasting, a pretty good combination. RSS will essentially be a one our version of my Web 2.0 workshop from the day before. After all, RSS is the mortar of the New Web. We’ll look at blogging, touch on wikis, social media, and then knock folks socks off with aggregators.

Finally, I’ll be doing my podcasting session. It will begin with a basic introduction to podcasting, what it looks like, how it’s used in the K-12 arena, then we’ll quickly produce a podcast, perhaps even publish the podcast that I am currently trying to finish up.

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