Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Superintendent’s Conference — Utica, New York

Fueling up for the Superintendent's ConferenceAt this moment, two major state educational conferences are gearing up: the California CUE conference, in Palm Springs, and Michigan’s MACUL conference in Grand Rapids. I am pleased and honored to be at the Superintendent Conference Day event, in Utica New York. New York has seen a lot of me in the last couple of years, and I have developed a kindred spirit connection with people here. Many of them can also properly prounounce the word, Grits, now. 😉

The keynote here will be one of my standards, Redefining Literacy for the 21st Century. Although I have presented this topic for several years now, it is actually beginning to attract attention and much buzz at ed tech and other education conferences. Here are links to the online wiki handouts for the keynote and my other three breakout presentations:

Illinois — Technology Conference For Educators

It is a genuine pleasure to return to IL-TCE. It’s a uniquely deep conference in that at the writing of this entry, we are beginning the third day of the event, and it is already shining in the blogosphere. Below is a new feature of my online handouts, an aggregator of the most recent blog postings for this even. Beneath the listing is a link to an additional page which will display a more extensive listing along with pictures that have been taken and attributed to the IL-TCE. Enjoy!

Telling the New StoryI have only presented this keynote three or four times, but I’m very happy with its success and especially with the goal that it sets out to achieve. If we are to retool our classrooms into learning environments that are relevant not only to the future we’re preparing our children for, but also for the unique learning skills that our children are entering our classrooms with, then it will happen only because we went out and told a compelling new story about the 21st century classroom.

Right & Wrong on the Information Highway

The nature of information has changed. It’s changed in what it looks like, what we look at to view it, how and where we find it, what we can do with it, and how we communicate it. Each of these characteristics has vast implications us all, and they require a new kind of literacy, information ethics.

This presentation will explore three aspects of this new literacy of information ethics: reliability of information, information property, and information infrastructure.

Riding the Edge of the Wave

This is a fun session that explores the future of technology. What is interesting about this presentation, though, is that most of the technologies being explored — are already here.

MEGA Meeting

MEGAThis is a regular meeting of the NCSU MEGE organization of area technology using educators. My presentation is about Web 2.0 and some of the applications that are associated with the new web. Among these tools are:

  • Blogs,
  • Wikis,
  • Podcasting,
  • Aggregators, and
  • Social Software

The main Web 2.0 handouts are on my wiki site. If there are laptop using educators at the meetings, they will be taking notes on this wiki page.

Cherry Creek Schools

Today’s workshop is being held at the foothills of the Rockies, in Centennial, Colorado, a suburb of Denver. The audience will be technology educators, library media specialists, and administrators, and the topics will be varied. The basic themes be a deep look at our children this morning, and the teacher information skills this afternoon.My goal is to explore literacy first thing, with an emphasis on the contemporary literacy skills that we need to be integrating into our classroom.

Also, during the morning, we’ll examine our kids and their information environment. We’ll be looking at their tools and what they do with them, and the main thrust of this section will be our figuring out ways to to leverage these tools and their environment.

This afternoon, we will look at skills for using digital information. Here we will touch on digital video production and editing, still image editing, audio editing (We’ll produce a podcast) and a healthy dose of the New Shape of Information (Web 2.0).

I’m also planning to designate some official note takers. Their community wiki notes will be available to all participants.

PETE & C New Web Sumit

It has begunIt is a privilege to be back at Pennsylvania’s educational technology conference, now called PETE & C (Penn. Educational Technology Expo & Conference). This preconference workshop is a summit of approximately 100 technology leaders from across the state. Our goals are to:

  • Become acquainted with some of the new tools that constitute the new web, or Web 2.0,
  • Establish a personal/professional relationship with read/write tools,
  • Engage in a new conversation through the tools,
  • Negotiate intersections between the emerging Web 2.0 and our goals and functions as education leaders.

We will be using a variety of Web 2.0 tools as our growing online handouts.

Other online handouts related to topics in this workshop:

May the force be with us!

Literacy & Learning in the 21st Century

Music makersI’m in The Oranges, New Jersey, Working with the technology and media educators of the community school district, at the direction of my friend, Greg Farley. We had a wonderful conversation last night at supper with Leslie Blatt, the high school media specialist.This workshop will emcompass a number of things, including:

  • Contemporary Literacy,
  • Changing Shape of Information,
  • some “…New Story”, and
  • Digital Story Telling

Here are your links:

Web 2.0 — The Changing Shape of Information

Wake FolksIt is a great honor and privalege to be working with educators in my home county today. The audience will be the technology contacts from all of the schools in Wake County (Raleigh, NC). I know many of them and have known them for many years. There is a great deal of progressivness here, owning much of it to it’s recent dynamic leadership at the top levels.This three hour presentation will cover a range of Web 2.0 applications, including, but not limited to weblogs, wikis, social bookmarks, RSS, social news, and podcasting. The overall message will be the impact that the changing shape of information has on our definitions of literacy, and the critical need we now have for making sure that all citizens are part of the digital nation.

The online handouts are available at:

Leadership Council — Wichita Public Schools

I was up until after midnight and up again at 4:00 AM, preparing for this presentation — not an uncommon occurrence for a teacher. Today will be a buffet of topics, folded expertly into a sufflett, so subtle, yet bold, that it will change the way that you think about education — I hope!Topics will include some rather surprising facts about economics in the 21st century and the challenges they place on our schools. Your personal online handouts will be available through this link.

There are also a healthy amount of new literacy issues mixed in for spice.

Finally, we delve into the world of the New Web, or Web 2.0. This will include some blogging, some exploring of RSS and aggregators, and podcasting.

Teaching & Technology Conference — Tucson, AZ

Conference number two in the Arizona Technology Education Alliance series. This one is in beautiful, and very western, Tucson — and do they ever know how to make guacamole here.The focus of this conference is the what that students should be learning, so my keynote address is Redefining Literacy for the 21st Century. I’ll also be doing presentations on podcasting and Web 2.0 applications.

So here are the links to the online handouts.