We took the back roads up to Boone, North Carolina. It was my parents and me. At this pit stop, I took a bit of a walk, perhaps further than I should have left them alone. But just far enough to find this bridge and this magical scene.
Camera: Nikon D7100 • ISO 400 • 24mm • -2 ev • f/4.5 • 1/500
This is the very narrow road down to Judaculla Rock, north of Cullowhee, North Carolina in the Nantahala National Forest. The photo is an HDR rendering (obviously) that I pushed to bring out the color that I was hoping for.
Camera: Nikon D7100 • ISO 500 • 48mm • -1 ev • f/20 • 1/80
I barely noticed this bird on top of a dead tree, about a hundred yards away. Even with the Tamron 150-600mm, I couldn’t tell what kind of bird it was, except that there was some red. From all the pictures I took four came out clear enough.
Camera: Nikon D7100 • ISO 100 • 600mm • -3 ev • f/10 • 1/1600
I captured this image in Mumbai, India and later played around with the sky. I later realized that the sun is obviously in the wrong place, by virtue of the shadows. There’ll be another version coming.
I didn’t have much chance to walk around in Mumbai, so most of my photos were taken from a moving van. This is one that came out pretty well. I do not have much on the post processing that I did, but I’m certain that there was some HDR rendering involved.
Camera: Nikon D7100 • ISO 200 • 120mm • -0.67 ev • f/5.6 • 1/3200
I took this photo during a trip that we took to Lake Mattamuskett with some folks from NC State University. Although I took my Nikon with me, I’d left its battery at home. So all of my photos from that trip were taken with my iPhone. I used a version of this photo as my first canvas print, which came out pretty well.
Camera: Nikon iPhone • ISO ? • ?mm • ? ev • f/? • ?
This is one of my all time favorite photos, taken of the Columbia River, flowing out of the Selkirk Mountains in British Columbia. It was a magnificent trip during around Kootenay Lake. I stopped every 15 minutes or so to capture some amazing scene.
Camera: Nikon D5100 • ISO 100 • 24mm • 0.63 ev • f/6.3 • 1/60
I took this photo during a long walk around Singapore. The armadillo looking building on the left is a new convention center. Tall, nearly in orbit building on the right is the Marina Bay Sands hotel, still under construction.
This was a lucky capture. I’d been waiting on a colleague for supper somewhere around the North Point on Hong Kong island. I’d just had an educational ride on one of Hong Kong’s city trains, and was just standing around and taking pictures of anything that caught my eye. I entered this particular picture in a photography contest held by the Raleigh News & Observer and won an honorable mention.
I've been retired since 2014, though I continue to do some writing and programming. But I am mostly looking for my next interect between play, passion and purpose